#66 - Deep Diving Into Distilled California
I was always a fan of mashups as a kid - even now for that matter. Something about artists, or other creatives coming together to work on something is exciting. In the case of episode 66 of The Best Ceats Podcast, we have just that. I sit down with Ryan Friesen, and Dylan Almendral - podcast hosts in their own right, as well as historians, distillers, advocates, and more. Both, fantastic humans all around, and made even more awesome through their podcast - Distilled California.
They take guests through the deep, rich history of California spirits. I don't want to spoil much more than. that here, so do yourself a favor and go find their podcast on services just like this one!
We sit down at Blinking Owl in Santa Ana to chat about podcasts, spirits, celebrity endorsements, and more. So please, enjoy, and go support these men in their endeavors, just as you have supported me.